Arts Leadership at Caramoor

This past weekend, From the Top traveled to the gorgeous Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts in Katonah, NY to tape a radio show!  Our four soloists from New York City and Minnesota-based string quartet gave a fantastic concert. The next morning, our performers joined us for the Arts Leadership Orientation to learn more about inspiring others through music and how they can make a difference.
After sharing their own experiences and thoughts on the term, our group agreed that “Arts Leadership Is..”

1. Inspiring people to express themselves
2. Giving back to the community
3. Sharing that feeling when music truly takes hold of you

Our performers wanted a group name that reflected both of their hometowns: New York City (The Big Apple) and Minnesota (Land of 10,000 Lakes). After some brainstorming, all agreed upon the name “Bobbing for Apples!” They made this short film to introduce their show and their message on arts leadership (while also sharing their admiration of Dvorak by selecting his “New World” Symphony, Movt. IV for the end credits) – check it out!

Learn more about the show by reading this week’s On the Road with Joanne Robinson, and be sure to tune in the week of October 3rd hear their show! Broadcast times can be found here.