Arts Leadership in Yountville, CA

This past weekend From the Top visited sunny Napa to tape a radio show at the Lincoln Theater in Yountville, CA! Our performers joined us the morning after the show for the Arts Leadership Orientation to explore how music can make a difference beyond the concert hall.
All seven from the West Coast, the group aptly named itself “Best Western Talent” (also the name of our tour’s hotel), and developed the following three definitions for arts leadership:

  • Having the courage to take on responsibility and be an inspiration to your friends and your community
  • Taking the initiative and starting something new for others
  • Helping others realize and experience things that may be inaccessible and scary on first experience

Towards the end of the orientation, the group got creative and made a short video to introduce themselves and their definition of arts leadership. Check it out!

Be sure to tune in the week of February 7th to listen to their show! Specific air dates and times can be found here.